Passover Schedule 2024:
Passover Schedule:
Sunday, April 21st
Formal search for Chametz after nightfall 8:10pm
Monday, April 22nd
Fast of the First Born
Eat Chametz until 10:37am
Sell & Burn Chametz before 11:44am
First Seder Night
Light Candles at 7:12 pm
First Night of Passover
Evening Services at 7:15 pm
followed by the first Seder
Tuesday, April 23rd
Morning Services at 10:00 am
Followed by a Kiddush
Evening Services at 7:00 pm
followed by the 2nd Seder
Second Night of Passover
Light Candles after 8:10pm
Count Sefirah 1
Wednesday, April 24th
Morning Services at 10:00 am
Followed by a Kiddush
Evening Services 7:00 pm
Count Sefirah 2
Friday, April 26th
Light Candles at 7:16pm
Evening Services 7:15pm
Count Sefirah 4
Saturday April 27th
Morning Services at 10:00 am
Followed by a Kiddush
Evening Services 7:00 pm
Count Sefirah 5
Shabbat ends 8:14pm
Sunday April 11th
Light Candles at 7:17pm
Evening Services at 7:15
Count Sefirah 6
Monday April 29th
Morning Services at 10:00 am
Followed by a Kiddush
Evening Services 7:15 pm
light candles after 8:16pm
Count Sefirah 7
Thursday April 30th
Morning Services at 10:00am
Yizkor Memorial Services at 12pm
Followed by a Kiddush
Evening Services 6:00 pm
Meal of Moshiach 6:30pm
Holiday Ends at 8:17pm
Count Sefirah 8
Wishing you a Chag Sameach!