High Holiday Reservation Form

For places at services and communal meals  ___________________________________________________________________________________

Services which I/we will be attending (free of charge):         Adults  Children:                       

Please check one or more

     Rosh Hashana                                       Yom Kippur

Rosh Hashana Eve                   Yom Kippur Eve (Kol Nidrei)         Order Your Rosh Hashanah in a Bag (Suggested donation $25) 

Rosh Hashana 1st Day              Yom Kippur Day Yizkor                   Order your Shofar Dash

Rosh Hashana 2nd Night           Neila Closing Services                     Shofar @ Runyon Canyon Park 

Rosh Hashana 2nd Day                                                                                 Shofar @ The Laurel Canyon Store


Communal Meals which I/we will be attending:                      Adults:  Children: 

Please check one or more

      Rosh Hashana                                                                                  Sukkot

                                                                                       Lulav & Etrog Set $60                                                                                                              Simchat Torah

First Night Communal Dinner $36 Per Adult $25 Per Child        1st Night Soups & Salads Dinne  in the Sukkah $36 per Adult $25 per Child                            Night Celebration 

Second Night Communal Dinner $36 Per Adult $25 per child    2nd night YJP Brisket Beer & Bourbon in the Sukkah $36 per Adult   


  Suggested Donation amounts

$180 Family                    Name:

$100 Couple                  Address:

$54 Single                     City: State: Zip:

$36 Student                  Home phone number:

$36 Per Person  for Dinners            Office phone number:

for communal meals only       E-mail:

$ Gift             Please add me to the Chabad of Mt. Olympus mailing list

All contributions are tax-deductible.


Payment Method                                                                               

 Please charge my credit card

                           Card number:   Exp:     

                     Name on card:                   


 I'm sending a check a check for the amount of: $

                      Please make checks payable to: CMO/Chabad of Mt. Olympus

                                                                          8124 Laurelmont Dr. L.A., CA 90046