Kabbalah 101___________________________________


Will the Real Kabbalah please stand up


An interactive course for spirituality seekers.  Open to Kabbalah students of all students.

Join us for an educational  and spiritual exploration into the ancient Jewish Mystical teachings that will cast new light and bring new life into everything you do.

  • Understand What your soul is all about
  • Get inspiration and meaning from Mitzvot and Rituals
  • Meditate on beautiful Kabbalistic Nigunim (songs)
  • Hands on experiments of Kabbalistic analogies

Come and learn why millions around the world are attracted to & intrigued by the secrets of Kabbalah.


Dates: Tuesday May 24th-  Tuesday June 28th , 2016

Time: 8:00-9:30pm

Location: The Chabad Russian Synagogue 7636 Santa Monica Blvd in West Hollywood

Fee: $36.00 per person

Instructor: Rabbi Sholom Rodal

Rsvp: 323-650-1444

Click Here for on-line registration!