Passover Communal Seders Reservations,

Ordering Matzah and

Selling Chametz


The First Night Seder is completely Booked and Sold Out 


Copy of Passover Seder (Chabadorg banner) (911 × 336 px).png 2023.png 

Personal Information



City State Zip

Home Phone Number Office Phone Number

Mobile Phone Number Fax Number


Please add me to the Chabad of Mt. Olympus mailing list

Please proceed to and fill out the appropriate section

Passover Communal Seder Reservation Form First Seder

Number of Adults Attending suggested contribution $72.00 Per adult  1st Seder  
Number of Children Attending 3-12 suggested contribution $36.00 per Child  1st Seder

Passover Communal Seder Reservation Form Second Seder

Number of Adults Attending  suggested contribution $72.00 Per adult  2nd Seder adult.
Number of Children Attending 3-12 suggested contribution $36.00 per Child  2nd Seder 

Got Matzah?

Number of pounds to order (about 8 matzot in a pound) $26 a Pound 

Seder Kits to go $25 each  

Sale of Chametz Form

We will not be able to process Chametz sales submitted later than Monday morning, April 22nd, 2024 10:30 AM

I Accept (pleased place initial here) I Decline

Please proceed to the 'Donation' section


Yes! I would like to make a tax-deductable donation towards Chabad of Mt. Olympus in order to be part of their amazing work and ensure their continued success.

1 x chai$18 2x chai$36 3 x chai$54 4 x chai$72 other $

Donation in name of

Donation in loving memory of

Payment Information

Please enter necesary credit card information
(free of charge activities - please leave this section blank and click submit)

Card number: Ex:
Name on card:

Please notify me when payment/donation is received

All contributions are tax-deductable.